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Original yogurt starter

The yogurt that made us love yogurts!

The standard for your homemade yogurt

You can’t go wrong with Yogourmet® Yogurt Starter, a very convenient way to make delicious, homemade yogurt right in the comfort of your own kitchen.

One of the best things about the Yogourmet® Yogurt Starter is that it is incredibly easy to use, made with high-quality ingredients, and is free from preservatives, artificial colors and flavors.

Start experiencing the health benefits of probiotics and the authentic taste of traditional yogurt today. Take the first step to a healthy and tasty lifestyle!

  • Leading yogurt starter for 20+ years in Canada
  • Easy to make
  • Economical
  • The taste you love!
  • Fast incubation (4½ hours)
  • No preservatives or coloring agents
  • Gluten-free
  • Kosher & Halal certified
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Easy as a pie!

  1. Heat one liter of milk to 82°C / 180°F or bring to a boil. Let it cool down to 42-44°C / 108-112°F (no thermometer? Dip your finger in the milk it should be warm but not hot).
  2. Add 1 sachet and stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Pour the mixture into the pots and place them in your yogurt maker.
  4. Incubate for a minimum of 5 hours, or until the yogurt has reached the desired consistency.
  5. Refrigerate for about 8 hours to stop fermentation. Consume within 7 days.
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Our starter in details

Product composition

Active bacterial cultures (Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus acidophilus), maltodextrin and sugar.

Contains: Milk.


What’s in the box?

One box contains 6 sachets of 3 grams of lyophilized powder.

One sachet is to be used for one liter/quart of milk.

Yogourmet® Starters have a shelf-life of 24 months from the production date. However, they can still be used even after this period has passed, without any health risks. For optimal results, it is recommended to store the starters in a dry, cool place. This will help to maintain their potency and ensure that they provide consistent and flavorful results every time you use them.

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Buy online

Yogurt starters, with or without probiotics, and kefir starters, they’re all available!

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5 Reviews

Love Your Yogurt Starter

I make an incredibly thick yogurt with your starter. One liter 10% cream + 1/4 liter 33% cream and I up the time on the yogurt maker to 6 hrs. My friends love it. Can I buy a case or two of your starter online. I live rurally and I hate having to drive an hour to buy it. I'd rather use your starter than keep some yogurt for the next batch...more failproof.


I experiment with various yoghurt cultures from all round world - this one makes really watery stuff, can only be used for smoothies, not eating unless I strain. Best cultures still form Bulgaria...wont buy again but too bad I'd already bought several boxes which I now have to use up...

Too Much $$

I just paid $9.99 in Bedford NS in a Health Store for one. This is double the usual cost but they are impossible to get around here so I paid it.

I didn’t know it could be so tasty!

This is the most delicious yogurt I have ever tasted. It's wonderful to have yogurt that isn't sweet, you can almost feel it doing you good.


Had the worst store-bought yogurt this week. Bought a yogurt maker and starter cultures yesterday. I know that I am new at this and shouldn't get ahead of myself, but my first batch of yogurt was heavenly. It took me back to my youth, when yogurt was yogurt and not Jello pudding. Thanks!

NOTE: Before asking a question or if you did not find your answer here. We invite you to search in the FAQ section of our website.

16 Questions:

Ruth, location Ottawa, CA - 11/08/2016check marc
What are the organisms in your kosher starter? I can't use bifidus.
Yogourmet replied:
Hi Ruth, the ingredients in the Yogourmet original yogurt starter are the following: Skim milk powder, sucrose, active bacterial culture (L. bulgaricus, S. thermophilus, L. acidophilus). Bifidus is used in our Yogourmet yogurt starter with probiotics as well as in our Yogourmet kefir starter.
Alice, location CA - 10/07/2016check marc
How can I make the yogurt thicker?
Yogourmet replied:
Hi Alice, to produce an even thicker yogurt you have three options: A) Add a pouch (7 g, 1/4 oz, 3/4 - 1 tbsp) of unflavoured gelatin. Mix the gelatin into the cold milk until it has dissolved, then follow each step of the yogurt making procedure from step 1. B) Adding milk powder will also produce thicker consistency yogurt. Add 1/2 cup of milk powder per litre of cooled milk, stir well to dissolve the milk powder. C) You can also strain the yogurt made without added milk powder neither gelatin, once it has been cooled down to stop the incubation. Use a suspended cotton bag above a container or a cheesecloth at the bottom of a colander, still above a container. 6-8 hours.
Andrea, location Morganville, United States - 04/07/2016check marc
I bought a lot of yogurt starter. I have 6 unopened boxes (30g) past the best date. Can I still use them? What are the implications?
Yogourmet replied:
We thank you for your interest in the Yogourmet products, particularly the freeze-dried yogurt starter. You can use the packets that have exceeded the best before date without any problem as long as they have been kept in a cool and dry place. It is even better if they have been kept refrigerated or frozen. A longer incubation period may however be required. Best regards.
Nonso, location lagos, - 13/06/2016check marc
Hi, will the yogurt starter work with tiger nut milk?
Yogourmet replied:
Hi Nonso, unfortunately, the tests that we have run several years ago have demonstrated that it is not possible to make yogurt and kefir with almond (or any nut), coco or rice beverages. It is possible though to make yogurt and kefir with certain soy beverages.
Jessica , location Lagos, - 24/05/2016check marc
Do I need to add extra milk when necessary? I am using this product or it has milk?
Yogourmet replied:
Hi Jessica, I am not sure to understand your question but here is my answer. Please note that the higher the fat percentage in the milk you will use the better (thicker) the texture will be. Moreover, if you exceed the recommended incubation period, the texture will be thicker and the taste more acidulated. Adding milk powder will also produce thicker consistency yogurt. Add 1/2 cup of milk powder per litre of cooled milk, stir well to dissolve the milk powder.
Anthony, location CA - 10/04/2016check marc
My wife and I are making yoghurt for the first time with the starter kit. Is homemade yoghurt safe for during pregnancy? (we are using pasteurized milk). Thank you
Yogourmet replied:
Hi Anthony, there is no problem for pregnant women to consume homemade yogurt, it is even good for them since homemade yogurt has a higher concentration of good bacteria compared to store-bought. We wish you good luck with your first homemade yogurt batch, if you have any questions do not hesitate to check our website or contact us. Best regards :)
Juan A., location Hialeah Gardens, United States - 10/04/2016check marc
How could I make the yogurt more solid and creamy?
Yogourmet replied:
Hi Juan A., to produce an even thicker yogurt you have three options: A) Add a pouch (7 g, 1/4 oz, 3/4 - 1 tbsp) of unflavoured gelatin. Mix the gelatin into the cold milk until it has dissolved, then follow each step of the yogurt making procedure from step 1. B) Adding milk powder will also produce thicker consistency yogurt. Add 1/2 cup of milk powder per litre of cooled milk, stir well to dissolve the milk powder. C) You can also strain the yogurt made without added milk powder neither gelatin, once it has been cooled down to stop the incubation. Use a suspended cotton bag above a container or a cheesecloth at the bottom of a colander, still above a container.
Paulina, location Cabo san lucas, - 05/04/2016check marc
Can I make yogurt without a machine, just using the starter?
Yogourmet replied:
Hi Paulina, yes you can make homemade yogurt just using the starter, but it's more difficult. You need to find a way to maintain a steady 44°C/112°F for at least 4 and half hours, this is the incubation process. Our yogurt maker is especially designed to maintain ideal incubation temperature to easily prepare a wholesome, natural, and perfect yogurt every time.
Bernardo, location North Vancouver, CA - 10/03/2016check marc
I would like to buy 6 packets of yogurt starter, in the yellow box. I have been buying Yogourmet starter for about 6 years and I have been very satisfied. Please tell me how much total would be. Shipping the order to BC.
Yogourmet replied:
Hi Bernardo, thank you for being a loyal customer and we are glad to hear you are satisfied with our products. I will transfer your order to the right department and they will come back to you with the total cost as soon as possible. Thank you and best regards.
Jodie, location Singapore, - 21/02/2016check marc
Can I make the kefir with dairy milk?
Yogourmet replied:
Hi Jodie, Yogourmet yogurt and kefir starters are dairy base products so yes, it works with dairy milk.
Joanne, location Alberta Beach, CA - 04/12/2015check marc
Can I use goat's milk instead of cow's milk?
Yogourmet replied:
Hi Joanne, yes you can use goat's milk instead of cow's milk, the yogurt texture will be even better!
Colette, location Halifax, CA - 10/11/2015check marc
I buy yogurt starter, package is yellow-orange. Front has pic of bowl of plain yogurt with raspberries. At retailer now, there is no more like this. Has packaging changed? Which one is exact same?
Yogourmet replied:
Hi Colette, yes the packaging has changed, the box you are looking for is now all orange with a glass of plain yogurt topped with a blackberry, a blueberry and granola.
Dean, location CA - 24/09/2015check marc
Do you have yogurt and/or kefir starter for making them from nut milks?
Yogourmet replied:
Hi Dean, unfortunately all of our starters are not compatible with nut beverages such as almond or cashew. On the other hand you can make delicious homemade yogurt and kefir with soy beverages, here is a link to the list: soy beverages list.
Linda, location Antigonish, CA - 23/07/2015check marc
Does this starter contain the Bifidus culture? Thank you.
Yogourmet replied:
Hi Linda, there is not Bifidus in our original yogurt starter but you will find some in our probiotic yogurt starter (green box).
Gail, location CA - 15/05/2015check marc
For 1/2 gallon milk do I use 2 X 5 g packets (10 g) or 1 X 5 g packet?
Yogourmet replied:
Hi Gail, for 1/2 gallon of milk (1,9 L) you need 2 X 5 g packets (10 g, 1 whole packet) of Yogourmet yogurt starter.
Gail, location CA - 12/05/2015check marc
How many packets for 1/2 gallon of milk?
Yogourmet replied:
Hi Gail, for 1/2 gallon of milk (1,9 L) you need 1 packet (10 g) of Yogourmet yogurt starter.