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3 tips to get a firmer yogurt

What’s better than homemade yogurt? A CREAMY homemade yogurt 😊 To obtain a firmer yogurt consistency you have three options:
  1.  Add gelatin to the milk before heating it. For 1 liter of milk, sprinkle one envelope of half of the gelatin bag into a bowl containing a little milk. Stir well and mix with 1 liter of cold milk, then follow the instructions on the box.
  1. Add 1/2 cup of powdered milk per liter of cooled milk before the incubation period, stir well to dissolve the powdered milk.
  1. Drain your yogurt once it has been cooled to stop the incubation. Use a cotton bag hung over a container or a cheesecloth in the bottom of a colander, again over a container.
  Let us know in the comments your preferred method 😊
3 tips to get a firmer yogurt